Young Women’s Leadership Program Parent/Guardian Consent

Your daughter has been selected to participate in the Snow-Redfern Foundation’s Young Women’s Leadership Program. This will require your daughter’s active attendance and participation in five (5) virtual workshops over a 2-to-3-month period.

As parent/legal guardian, we are requesting your consent for your daughter to:

  • – Participate in the Young Women’s Leadership Program
  • – Participate in a pre and post program survey, including potentially being contacted upon completion of the program and/or in the future for a follow-up impact discussion and/or survey.
  • – Be included in individual or group photos on social media, website, or other marketing platforms associated with Snow-Redfern Foundation.
  • – Be included in or to record video or audio content to be used by the facilitator to evaluate facilitation skills or to align with an assigned group/individual activity.
  • – Be considered for a scholarship upon successful completion of all program requirements
  • – Be contacted upon completion of the pilot project and/or in the future for a follow-up impact discussion and/or survey.
  • – Have access to reliable technology that allows for consistent attendance at all virtual workshops.

We also request your assistance to support your daughter to attend all scheduled virtual workshops.

By completing the form below, you hereby grant Snow-Redfern Foundation the above stated permissions and consent for your daughter.

"*" indicates required fields



NOTE: If this young woman is a ward of the state, consent must be obtained from a designated and authorized representative from DHHS.