Day of Girls

December 1, 2021

Today, Snow-Redfern Foundation is celebrating 70 years of empowering youth with a special focus this year on empowering girls! We are declaring December 1st (our birthday) as the Day of Girls- in honor of our founder, Arvilla, and all the amazing girls that deserve a shout out!

the United Nations Foundation introduced and celebrated the Day of the Girl and the extraordinary power of girls in our world.  This year’s theme, “The Power of the Adolescent Girl: Vision for 2030,” highlights the importance of girls to achieving the global goals for sustainable development. Simply put: To reach our global goals, we have to reach girls.

Join us tonight from 5-7pm at our open house to learn more about how we are honoring Arvilla and impacting kids!  The open house will be at our new office- 305 Box Butte Ave in Alliance, and more details can be found on our Facebook event page!

Here are five reasons why empowering adolescent girls matters to all of us, as shared by the UN Foundation (

  1. It’s her right.

Fundamentally, this is a human rights issue. Discrimination has no place in the 21st century, and every girl has the right to go to school, stay safe from violence, access health services, and fully participate in her community.

  1. Empowered girls mean healthier families.

When girls are educated, healthy, and empowered, families are healthier. According to UNESCO, 2.1 million children under age 5 were saved between 1990 and 2009 because of improvements in girls’ education. And closing the gap in the unmet need for family planning for the 225 million girls and women who want to delay or avoid pregnancy but aren’t using modern contraception would reduce maternal deaths by 67% and newborn deaths by 77%.

  1. Empowered girls are key to breaking the cycle of poverty for families around the world.

Research from the Brookings Institution has found that every additional year of school increases a girls’ eventual wages by an average of 12% – earnings she invests back into her family. Empowered, educated girls have healthier, better educated children and higher wages – helping to break the cycle of poverty.

  1. Empowered girls strengthen economies.

According to a new Brookings report, “Increasing the number of women completing secondary education by just 1 percent could increase a country’s economic growth by 0.3 percent.” Additionally, a report just released by the McKinsey Global Institute found that if women’s level of participation in the labor market was the same as men’s it would add up to $28 trillion to annual global GDP in 2025.

  1. Did we mention it’s the right thing to do?

Investing in girls is one of the smartest things we can do to promote a healthier, more prosperous world. More importantly, it’s the right thing to do. Every girl has the right to be in charge of her future and her fate, and we have the collective obligation to protect her rights and promote her wellbeing.

This is a priority for Snow-Redfern Foundation. To join our movement to support our programs that empower adolescent girls, visit