Aleyda’s Story
July 22, 2021
We’re so excited that we were able to help make a graduation dress and a trip to the nail salon possible for Aleyda’s high school graduation!
Our grant and scholarship dollars affect countless young people whose potential has been limited by challenges. Dawson County CASA in Lexington used 2020 grant funds to provide opportunities to 72 disadvantaged kids in their county.
In addition to helping create a wonderful graduation for Aleyda, they also used to funds to pay for car seats, contact lenses/eye exams, fees for school athletics, YMCA memberships, coats & winter boots, Christmas gifts, family pool passes, and more.
“One of the wonderful things we were able to do with Snow-Redfern grant funds was to purchase soccer shoes and shin guards for 2 young men who love to play this game. Lexington has a wonderful soccer program. In fact, they have a program that gets kids ready for high school- and they went to state for the first time this year! If you could just see the excitement on their faces when we tell them we can help them out so they can play…… it is so rewarding”, shared Dawson County CASA Director, Linda Shaw.
Linda also shared how blessed they are to have a total of 32 active volunteers, including six new volunteers, that support their philosophy that “it takes an village to raise children”.